Auctions could be the way to make a steady income.

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 various auction signs

You can click on the auction links below and sign up as a user. You get an ID and password so you can buy and sell on the site. There are plenty of Help and FAQ pages to get you going. Anyone can buy and sell using the step-by-step help. You may like one over the others. Search the site for items similar to those you want to sell. See how many bids the item gets, start price , and final bid. Get a feel for what to expect from your item and how to list it. When buying do the same to get a feel for how to bid. If you find an item of interest do not bid right away. Bidding can get crazy like in real world auctions. Just watch and when it gets close to closing time make your bid and hope no one out bids you.
Remember the KEY to making money is: BUY LOW and SELL HIGH, check auctions out regularly and watch for the best deals. Do not bid if the price is to high for you to make a profit. If you watch - an item will come up at a good price. Then you can turn around and sell it for a profit.
Places where you can get into the auction business online: